Tuesday 26 January 2010

Kuhli loaches

Our last catfish died a while ago, and we were down to one black neon so on 26th January we bought some new fish - 4 kuhli loaches (Pangio kuhlii) and 5 more black neon tetras.  The kuhli loaches all hid after putting them in the tank and we've not seen them all together since.  At one point we didn't see any for so long that I thought they must have all died, but we then started seeing them again.  Since then we've seen three together so one might have died, but they are so good at hiding that we'll probably never know.

Our current tank contents:
Black Neons (6)
4 Kuhli Loach (4)
Pineapple Swordtails (some of various ages)

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